How Porn Games Are More Than Just Sex Games

porn games

Playing porn games is super fun. But sex games are more than just “games” in the traditional sense, they offer a way for people to connect to their often repressed sexual desires.

How Can You Make Porn Games Even More Exciting?

There are a number of ways you can enhance your sex gaming experiences.

Porn Games and Handjobs

While considered a relatively new fetish, this kink is taking the Internet by storm. While it’s mostly anonymous couples admitting to it, many guys and girls are mixing porn games and handjobs.

Here’s how it works.

The girl gives the guy a handjob while he plays a porn game. Or, vice versa. But all the same, the person playing the porn game must perform well at the game, or the handjob action stops. This is nearly a BDSM play in the way that it can be tough to accomplish. When you are receiving a good handjob, focusing on a porn game isn’t easy. At the same time, the focus on the porn game is further turning you on.

Heck, this is so popular, many couples use a handjob site to connect with other porn gamers looking for this specific experience.

Virtual Dating

I get it.

You don’t want to think of yourself as someone so desperate they need to date a virtual slut.

But here’s the thing. You aren’t. Using a porn game for virtual dating and virtual sex have nothing to do with desperation. Sure, sometimes a guy feels lonely and turns to virtual dating porn games. But that’s not always the main driver.

Rather, many men view virtual dating sex games as fun, exciting, and sexy ways to connect with online sexscapades.

In life, some things are simply unattainable. Sorry, but odds are you won’t own a private jet. But its fun to watch movies featuring folks who live in such lavish style. It offers you an escape from your daily stresses.

You probably aren’t going to bang 25-year-old hotties at the same time every Saturday night. But what’s it hurt to play a virtual dating porn game such as Melody and live out the fantasy?

Virtual dating allows gamers an escape from real life. It offers them tailored sex fantasies. And it’s getting more and more popular in the sex game vertical. Many virtual reality porn games are evolving at a rapid pace. These games are merging with our daily lives. In other words, they look and feel real.

Increased Intelligence

Wait, what?

Are you telling me that playing raunchy porn games somehow makes me smarter?

Well, not in so many words, but yeah.

Many porn games are either cursor based skill games or involve trivia. Trivia, even if it is smutty, increases our critical thinking skills and application. Additionally, many porn games leverage puzzle solving to unlock more intense porno content.

It may be porn, but it remains, these are games. And games help keep our brains active and engaged in a process.

An active brain is a brain with some additional layers of protection from brain issues, such as alzheimers.

No, we aren’t recommending you start sending porn game sites to grandpa and grandma, but we are making a point. These are game experiences as much or more than they are porn experiences.

They Distract You From Bad Habits

I’m not going to pretend that gaming, much less porn gaming, is healthy. I get it, sitting on your ass playing games all day is far from healthy. That said, there are some scenarios where the distractions of gaming can serve as a healthy distraction. For example, if you are trying to quit or cut back on booze, cigarets, or even sugar. Playing games can distract you for enough time that you forget about a craving.

So yeah, porn games are more than just sex games. They can benefit you in a lot of unobvious ways. But it’s important to remain aware of the downsides of porn games. They can be so immersive that you forget to drink water. While some porn games exercise the mind, none of them exercise the body. Make sure you take walks, work out, eat right, and all the basics.

Melody is a Stunning Virtual Dating Porn Game That’s Sexy

melody porn game review feature image

Virtual dating porn games are all the rage. That said, Melody has stratospheric potential for gamers looking for immersive dating. Melody is an elegant porn game that’s soft around the edges but also hardcore slutty when the time is right.

Melody is a banging good time porn game where you’ll feel like you’re really flirting and fucking.

Melody Review

melody porn game review

Melody is an immersive, virtual dating experience. Melody is an extremely sexy girl that’s the focus of your sexual energy. She’s flirtatious, gentle, but has a pronounced slutty side that comes out to play.

You will use flirtatious chat as a way to turn on and compel Melody to get her sexual groove on.

Melody’s core personality attribute broods submissive. She’s looking for a man that takes control of her.

You can see from the image below, she looks like a normal, super hot girl. There’s this friendly, yet unattainable vibe going on. In other words, it’s tough to imagine her sucking your dick. But in this porn game, well, achieving your fantasy is the name of the game.

melody porn game review

She’s pop star whose future appears to be bright. She hangs out with artsy types, mostly in the way of musicians she works with. Many of those girls are super hot and sexually liberal. You’re hanging out in the middle of this cool, semi-swanky, always sexually charged, vibe.

Meet Sophia, one of Melody’s hot friends that you’ll end up playing with throughout the game.

melody porn game review

Melody, as a porn game, delivers what feels like an unatainable sexual fantasy right to your computer screen with high end graphics and compelling, sexy erotica.

Melody intentionally captures an innocent sort of vibe and cast it against the backdrop of orgy parties and dominant sex experiences. It allows you to feel as if you’re just hanging out in some cool recording studio with hot, unattainable girls. When the clothes hit the floor, it always feels as if it’s your luckiest afternoon ever. And that’s the point of the game.

Melody Graphics

Melody’s overall design attributes portray a soft, often gently lit atmosphere that more about gentle curves than harsh edges. This is both the setting and the girl – and the vibe. While Melody’s skin appears blemish free, that doesn’t mean her overall design is lacking in authenticity. She’s physically believable.

Everything feels elegant, even when the hardcore fucking and sexfests begin. It’s a truly amazing porn game feat.

A Few Final Thoughts

If you’ve ever dreamed of having your dick sucked by two incredibly sexy experimental girl, then Melody is the porn game for you. The plot is not complex, it’s a 0 to 60 porn game sex fest that keeps on giving.

Melody is a porn game that’s built for virtual hookup dating. Its use of elegant, innocent character design stuns and arouses throughout. It’s one big fantastic orgy that seemingly never ends. Melody is an ultimate sexual fantasy played out over and over. I dig it.

If you are into immersive virtual dating experiences, give Melody a try. You might surprise yourself.

Booty Farm Review: A Farmer Adult Dating Porn Game Simulation

booty farm review

Yeah, really. Booty Farm. It’s a top-rated porn game. When you hear that out loud, it’s nearly unbelievable. But here’s the thing… Booty Farm is actually pretty well done and better than a lot of other porn games on the market. While it does feel like a pretty weird game, you might give this Booty Farm review a chance before jumping to any conclusions.

Continue reading “Booty Farm Review: A Farmer Adult Dating Porn Game Simulation”